La Mémoire des Mains

Magalie Fontaine

Reflexology & Wellness massages


I propose to accompany you on the path to your well-being, through natural, manual and gentle health practices, in kindness and good humor!

Balance is a constant imbalance to be mastered, to keep the harmony of balance!


The reflexology sessions and massages offered are intended for the well-being of the person.

Under no circumstances do they replace or substitute totally or partially for medical, therapeutic or physiotherapy treatment, and do not dispense with a diagnosis made by your doctor.

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Gift vouchers

Offer a precious moment, a moment of well-being!

I invite you to contact me to order the gift voucher.

After payment (cash, check, or bank transfer), I will send the gift voucher to the lucky recipient by post or email, depending on your choice!

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Contact, Booking, and Practical Information

CABINET: 20, boulevard Aristide Briand, 63400 CHAMALIERES


Phone number: 07 87 32 20 95 


Instagram: magalielamemoiredesmains


Monday: 8h-19h30

Tuesday: 8h-19h30

Wednesday: 8h-19h3030

Thursday: 8h-19h30

Friday: 8h-19h30

Saturday: 8h-19h30

Sunday timeslots available upon request


I invite you to speak with me over the phone before making an appointment, in order to tell me your expectations and needs. If I cannot answer your call, leave me a message with your contact details, and I will call you back as soon as possible!

I also invite you to consult the description of the Services and the Frequently Asked Questions to find out more about the indications, benefits and counter-indications of the proposed sessions.

You can also book a session on a WEB PLATFORM, click here.

PAYMENT METHODS: In cash, by check or by bank transfer, at the end of the session.

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I suggest that you review here some common and practical questions, which will allow you to fully understand the course of the sessions:

Reflexology: Should I wash my feet before coming?

No, this is not necessary. At the beginning of the protocol, I will refresh your feet with cleansing wipes.

Reflexology: I have toe fungus, can I come?

YES! I will wear gloves for the reflexology treatment, it is not blocking.

Reflexology: I can't stand people touching my feet. Can I benefit from reflexology?

I propose that you start with hand reflexology. Then, if you enjoyed reflexology practice on the hands, you might want to try foot reflexology!

Reflexology: What should I do during the session?

This time is for you.

If you want to chat with me, it will be with pleasure! If you feel like resting and being silent, that will be ok for me too!

A mix of both can also be appropriate.

In any case, we will discuss your feelings at the end of the session.

Reflexology: What advice can you give for the period preceding the session?

Here are some tips to promote your comfort and the work of reflexology:

Reflexology : What reactions can I expect after a session?

Reflexology: Feet or hands, foot or hand reflexology, how to choose?

Some people prefer handling on their hands while others prefer handling on their feet!

As for the effectiveness of the two processes, it is quite a debate!

In general, foot reflexology is considered more effective, feet being more sensitive because they are locked all day in shoes. It can also be argued that, playing a major role in survival, feet are more richly innervated and therefore react better to acupressure exerted.

My personal experience is that hand reflexology brings even greater relaxation than the feet, it seems to me to act even more strongly on the psyche.

In addition, for those who seek to recover all the functionality of their hands or to preserve an independent way of life (pressing a key, pulling a zipper, unscrewing a cork, grasping objects...), hand reflexology is a good choice.

Reflexology : What are the supplementary health insurance coverages?

On request, an invoice for your health insurance will be given to you during reflexology sessions only.

Please use the following link to access a documentation gathered by Reflexologist professional associations in the first semester of 2022 (non-exhaustive list):

Massage : What advice can you give for the period preceding the session, to make the most of the massage?

Body massage: How should I dress for the session? (underwear)

Ayurvedic Abhyanga Massage:

Lymphatic draining wellness massage:

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Code of Ethics for Reflexologists

The reflexologist is a professional in the helping relationship, prevention and stress management. It mobilizes the self-regulation process of the person consulting, by stimulating the reflex zones (plantar, palmar, cranio-facial, ...) in order to restore the balance of the metabolism.

It is based on neuroendocrine and neuro-vegetative foundations, and fluid circulation to apprehend the person as a whole and accompany him towards a better balance.


Given the law of 30.04.1946, decree 60669 of article l.489 and the decree of 8.10.1996, modified by decree n ° 2000-577 of June 27, 2000 and article law n ° 2016- 41 published in the Official Journal on January 27, 2016 by the modification of article L. 4321-1, all the services and techniques offered do not replace any medical treatment or physiotherapy and do not dispense with a diagnosis established by your doctor. They come from ancestral Traditional Methods aimed at restoring the body's balance through well-being techniques, physical relaxation and stress-free relaxation.

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Who I Am


My name is Magalie. After studying engineering in France and the United States, I moved to Clermont-Ferrand to start my career. I worked for 19 years in IT in a large multinational company. Over the years, through encounters, trials, joys and awareness, I felt the need to give another direction to my life, and this momentum materialized through my professional retraining in the field of well-being and aid relationship. It was time for me to regain the intelligence of my hands...

On a personal level, it took me several years to deconstruct a certain number of not necessarily positive beliefs on which I had built myself, and to rebuild myself on new bases. What an adventure! Adventure that I did not lead alone... but accompanied by benevolent and attentive therapists. We are masters of our own boat, but a helping hand is always welcome, and we teach each other!

Reflexology and wellness massages seemed obvious to me to start this new path, and to accompany people in search of reconnection with themselves. Indeed, these are natural, gentle, manual and ancestral health practices, which take into account the whole person (body, emotions, feelings, mind...).

I had the opportunity to train in my city, with teachers passionate about their art and lovers of nature and humanity (Myrtéa Formations, Excellence Formation 63). The training I received corresponds to the services I offer on this site. Of course, I continue to train myself to deepen and expand my know-how! Moreover, from my scientific studies, I retain a sense of rigor and intellectual honesty.

Hope to meet you soon!

Thank you 🙏 

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